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PCT Entry

Many entities seeking international protection for their inventions choose regional systems over national ones due to a broader coverage. In the CIS region, the most prominent are to two regional systems: the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC). PATENTICA represents clients before the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), and the national offices in the region, including Russian Patent Office (Rospatent), Ukranian Patent Office, as well as patent offices in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.


As for the PCT, we assist clients with filing international applications, responding to the International Search Reports (ISR) and the Written Opinions of the International Search Authority (WOISA) as well as with entering the National Phase, which includes filing formal documents, paying official fees, preparing and submitting a translation of the application to the national office, such as Georgian Patent Office, Russian, Ukranian or Uzbek Patent Office, and handling Office Actions, if any. 


The PCT application can subsequently be entered either into National phase in one or several countries to mature finally into a national or several national patents, or into Regional phase, such as Eurasian regional phase, whereupon as result of examination, a Eurasian patent will be granted to simultaneously cover all EAPC Contracting States including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It is worth noting that a EA patent does not require translation into several languages, while the renewals fees are payable to the EAPO in amount cumulative of the amount of renewal fees in each country where the patent is intended to maintained. 

Documents / Information we need

PCT application entering into National Phase:

  • PCT application number;
  • Names and addresses of applicant(s) and inventor(s) (unless the application is published);
  • Description, claims, abstract, and drawings (unless the application is published);
  • Power of Attorney executed by the applicant;
  • Amendments made after the international publication (if any);
  • Amendments to be made during the National Entry;

National applications:

  • Names and addresses of applicant(s) and inventor(s);
  • Description, claims, abstract, and drawings;
  • Power of Attorney executed by the applicant;
  • Certified copy of priority application(s) (when priority is claimed)

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