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Victor Lisovenko

Managing partner Patent Attorney
M.S. Chemistry
M.S. in Law
Contact Information victor.lisovenko@patentica.com

“Think globally, act locally”.

Victor is an intellectual property attorney with main focus on patent law. His practice includes patent preparation and prosecution, appeals and oppositions, advisory and opinion work, litigation and licensing. Victor is a member of AIPPI, INTA, LES. He is a happy father of two kids, enjoys dynamic activities like football and beach volleyball in his spare time.

Client-oriented approach to work, forward-looking analytical skills coupled with substantial knowledge and valuable experience in the IP field make Victor a great patent attorney for various PATENTICA’s foreign and domestic clients in any patent-related matters.


Patent drafting and prosecution;
PCT Entry;
Patent searches (prior art searches, freedom-to-operate, etc)
Patent opposition and appeals;
Patent due diligence;
Patent litigation;
Patent licensing;
Advisory and opinion work

Technical areas

Chemical engineering
Material science


AIPPI National Group