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Strategic Business Consulting

At Patentica, we understand the pivotal role that intellectual property (IP) plays in today's competitive business landscape. In an age where innovation is the cornerstone of growth, safeguarding and leveraging your intellectual assets is essential. Nevertheless IP is not a goal in itself, it is a means to strengthen the company.


We are here to help you navigate the complex world of IP law and align your business strategies and business models with your IP strategies to not only protect your ideas but also to achieve competitive advantages and sustainable business growth.

We are here to help you navigate the complex world of IP law and align your business strategies and business models with your IP strategies to not only protect your ideas but also to achieve competitive advantages and sustainable business growth.

Our team of experienced patent and trademark attorneys will guide you through the intricacies of IP law. We are not just legal experts, we’re partners in your business success who help you to make sure that investing in IP creates the value for your company, which exceeds the investment by an attractive margin.

As an essential part of our business consulting services we offer a wide range of related IP services, including:

  • IP Strategy Development: Our experts work closely with you to develop tailored IP strategies that align with your overall business goals, ensuring that your IP investments are strategic and yield maximum returns.
  • IP Portfolio Management: We assist you in identifying, protecting, and managing your intellectual property assets, ensuring that your ideas are secured and ready to fuel your business’s growth by giving you exclusivity position on the market .
  • Patent, Trademark, Design, Know-how and Copyright Services: From patent applications to trademark registrations and copyright protection, we handle all aspects of IP law to safeguard your creations and innovations.
  • IP Due Diligence: Whether you are engaging in mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships, we conduct comprehensive IP due diligence to assess the value and potential risks associated with intellectual property assets.
  • Enforcement and Litigation: In cases of infringement or disputes, our seasoned litigators will vigorously defend your IP rights and pursue legal action when necessary.

Contact us today to discover how we can help you align your business strategies with your IP strategies to unlock growth, innovation, and a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

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