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Accurate translation is crucial for obtaining patent protection in a foreign country and especially, for successful enforcement after the patent is granted. At PATENTICA we successfully integrate profound knowledge of technical sciences with perfect command of source/target languages along with advanced CAT tools usage - to both optimize the clients' expenses and ensure the high quality of our translations.


All translators we recruit have additional linguistic training complementing their qualifications in technical disciplines, such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, mechanics, optics, computer engineering, software, medical equipment and others. Our main working languages are Russian, English, German, Japanese, Ukrainian and Georgian.


We have successfully implemented MemoQ CAT tool into our translation process. This top-notch program allows us to provide competitive prices for our clients along with higher speed and quality of translations based on using client- or subject-specific Translation Memories and trainable machine translation feature.


For ensuring the highest quality, we have developed an efficient algorithm for processing a translation order: each translation is reviewed by a senior patent specialist or a patent attorney in order to ensure proper terminology, style and format. 

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