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Supplementary patent protection

Pharmaceutical and agrochemical inventions may be privileged in terms of the validity period: for example, in Russia in addition to the standard 20 years from the filing date, 5 years can be added upon filing a corresponding request, and a Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) is issued.


The reason for the patent term extension tool introduction is the complicated and lengthy procedure of clinical trials and obtaining special marketing authorization preceding the actual launch of pharmaceuticals and agricultural goods, which substantially reduces the term of profiting from a patent: it can actually take decades for a drug to pass muster with the federal authorities and be brought to the market. 

Patent term extension is also available under the Eurasian Patent Convention for Eurasian Patents in the following states in addition to Russia: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkmenistan, the only exception being Tajikistan. 

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