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Patent searches

The importance of a patent search can hardly be overestimated. We search relevant information worldwide in different fields of art, providing our clients with high quality screening and analysis of patent and non-patent references. Our searches are performed by patent experts with specialist knowledge in various technical fields and extensive experience in patent research, which is an extremely important step to prevent refusal decisions on patent applications and infringement of third-parties’ rights.


We provide the following types of patent search:


Technology search

covers expired and non-expired patents, patent applications, and non-patent literature on a given technology over a given time period

Active substance search

covers expired and non-expired patents and patent applications on a given active substance and pharmaceutical forms thereof

Patent invalidity search and opinion

covers expired and non-expired patents, patent applications, and non-patent literature relevant
to the particular claims of the patent in question

Patent infringement search

covers non-expired patents including those
in force, those which have lapsed but can be restored, and patent applications that may mature
into a patent that could bar
the technology or patent in question from use and Freedom-to-Operate (FTO) analysis and opinion

Company or inventor’s name search

conducted in Russia, Eurasia, Ukraine and other CIS-countries

Patent equivalent search

looks for members of a certain patent family
in another country

Patent databases

Most of our searches are performed online using specialised patent databases, but we also use a wide variety of other technical non-patent databases. Databases searched include:

Patent database of the Russian Patent Office (ROSPATENT)

Russian Patent Office logo

Patent database of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPATIS)

Eurasian Patent Office logo

Patent database of the European Patent Office (ESPACENET)

European Patent Office logo

Patent database of the International Bureau (WIPO)

International Bureau logo

Our search strategy produces high-quality results:

We search all patent applications/patents related to the subject matter of the search (the results are presented in the form of a table including key words, number of references, list of references);
We search non-patent references related to the subject matter of the search (the results of the search are presented in a table including bibliographic data and abstract);
We screen related patent applications/patents obtained as result of the search (references found at stages 1 & 2 are sorted by subject matter and degree of relevancy);

We perform a comparative analysis and present a written opinion appropriate to the search type, for example:

  • Invalidity opinion and grounds for opposition
  • Freedom-to-operate opinion
  • Prior art search

If you have any questions or would like to obtain a quote for a patent search, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@patentica.com

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