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The best way to resolve a dispute is out-of-court settlement. PATENTICA has developed an effective IP enforcement approach through negotiation and mediation. However, some cases are to be brought to the court room, and we gladly represent our clients as both plaintiffs and defendants in legal actions concerning all types of intellectual property in Russia and CIS countries.


PATENTICA’s team of certified lawyers is backed up by trademark and patent attorneys who join forces to offer perspective attack and defence strategies and actions in administrative bodies and courts. In Russia, for example, the list of authorities includes a Rospatent division – the Chamber for Patent Disputes, Federal Antimonopoly Service, commercial courts (including the High State Arbitration Court), the Intellectual Property Court, police and the Customs Office.

The scope of litigation matters we deal with embraces IP infringement, cybersquatting, counterfeit, competition law (unfair competition), unauthorized registration of IP in the name of agents and challenging decisions of the Patent and Trademark Office.

Attorneys represent litigant parties in civil actions, adopting a flexible approach to protecting their IP rights.

We also involve law enforcement organizations, when necessary, to promptly combat counterfeiting, and we hand over relevant information to the Customs offices in order to identify and stop counterfeit merchandise. In addition, PATENTICA’s attorneys regularly counsel clients concerning possible defensive and enforcement strategies for patents, trademarks, and broader issues.

Documents / Information we need

  • Information about the IP object
  • Information about the required action (enforcement, CDL, consultation, appeal, lawsuit, etc.)
  • Available details of the case and associated documents
  • A Power of Attorney (formal requirements depend on the type of proceedings)

If you have any questions or would like to obtain a quote, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@patentica.com

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