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Enforcement of intellectual property rights

Infringers, imitators, unfair competitors, counterfeiters, cybersquatters, patent and brand trolls - those are the villains constantly bothering bona fide market players. Your ally number one is proper monitoring of infringements, number two being a reliable patent agency representing your rights before the IP authorities.


Getting hold of a registration certificate or a patent is rewarding, but it is only the beginning of making your intellectual property valuable. Proper post-registration surveillance of the market for the purpose of enforcement is crucial from two perspectives: protection of customers from low quality imitations and prevention of revenue and reputation damages for the IP owner. For trademarks, such actions also shield from dilution. 


Enforcement procedure usually begins with a cease and desist letter, and in some cases diplomatic mediation suffices. If it does not, we offer balanced strategies of acting through court or antimonopoly authorities, calculate compensations to be charged from the defendants, work on persuasive arguments, order investigations from experts in the field, if required, and guide you through the whole process. We work with enforcement of all registrable and non-registrable according to the local legislation types of intellectual property, including trade secret misappropriation and copyright infringement.


We also act on the other side of the fence – we act on behalf of entities on the receiving side of claims. We seek ways to prove that no infringement has actually taken place, propose counter-action procedures, such as opposition or revocation, put forward peaceful settlement or co-existence proposals or decrease the amount of compensation within a court case. 

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