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Appellations of origin of goods and geographical indications

In every country, there are special products that have become historically connected with one specific region: this specific wine, this specific cheese or this specific mineral water can exist only here, due to unique weather conditions, landscape or traditions, and this specific pottery or this specific lace can be made only here. Names of such one-of-a-kind goods can be protected in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin as appellations of origin, geographic indications and other similar IP objects.


In order to obtain protection for an appellation of origin or geographic indication, it is usually required to prepare a considerable batch of documents. These documents should confirm all relevant information about the object under the claimed name, such as description of special characteristics of goods originating from a specific territory, evidence of connection –present and historical – between these characteristics and the territory, method of procurement or production of the goods, approved rules for controlling the quality of the products and the marking regulations.

Registration of appellations of origin opens producers to additional possibilities in marketing of the goods, since such registration can be a sign of high quality and reputation of the goods.

One peculiarity of the right to an appellation of origin is the fact that it is not exclusive: that is, several different persons or companies can simultaneously have the same rights to use the name for their goods. However, all these persons or companies will have to prove that they are genuine producers of unique goods on the same territory. An association of manufacturers as a separate organization dedicated to protection of the appellation of origin can also be a sole owner of the registration.
It is possible to obtain protection for appellations of origin and geographic indications not only in the country of origin, but also abroad. Usually, in this case it will be necessary to provide documentary proof of the existing rights in the country of origin. An international application under the Lisbon System is also a handy registration tool, available in 43 jurisdictions, which cover up to 72 countries.

In the process of registration there may be issues arising due to different legislative requirements for processing and protecting appellations of origin in different countries. PATENTICA is always ready to consider any minute details and find the right strategy to obtain registration in order to protect the owner’s rights.

If you have any questions or would like to obtain a quote, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@patentica.com

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